Design, Branding & Marketing Solutions

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    Design, Branding & Marketing Solutions


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      Partnership Startup package with GST TM Website & more

      Original price was: ₹120,000.00.Current price is: ₹84,960.00.

      Partnership Startup package

      Proprietorship Startup package with GST TM Website & more
      1. Product/ Service- Partnership Startup package
      2. Qty- 1
      3. Delivery Time– 20-30 Days
      4. Price– Rs. 72K+GST

      Included in this services-

      1. Name
      2. Tag line/ Punch Line
      3. Logo
      4. Brand/ Logo registration TM
      5. Company Legal Registration- Proprietorship
      6. Taxes/ License Registration- GST
      7. Udyog Aadhar
      8. Stationeries design- Letterhead, Envelop, Business card, Invoice, Challan
      9. Bank A/C Opening- Current (self by client)
      10. Banner design
      11. Social sites page- Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube
      12. Social Media post Design
      13. Videos- 30 Sec
      14. Online Appearance- Domain-1, Hosting-1Gb, Profile website-5 page, Banner/slider design, Email ids-5
      15. Company ppt- SWOT, 7P of Marketing, Company Statement- Vision, Mission, About us
      16. Packaging Design
      17. Advisors
      18. Legal Advisors CA

      Please keep handy and provide details as written below- email to

      1. After completing the Order, please mention Order/ Reference No. with payment transfered details
      2. Email I’d
      3. Mobile number, name, Pics, address, info, etc
      4. Brief about requirements



      1. Order confirmation is subject to approval (T&C Apply).
      2. We charge for professional service.
      3. Subject to New Delhi Juridiction
      4. Designing is a part of Creativity, It takes time. The Price can be revised if need is time taking.

      Disclaimer: We are a designers network, selling designs. We are not responsible for design copy if found. Dismiss


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